Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Why "this time" seems easier...

Hey you, reader... I know we just met, but I must confess before we get too involved... this is not my first time. I just thought you should know for your own benefit. It doesn't make what we have any less special, though. I hope you understand.

All kidding aside, this is one of many many times in my life where I have proclaimed "THIS IS THE TIME I MEAN IT. I AM GOING TO MAKE SOME CHANGES! YOU JUST WATCH!", and then a week later you would see me at the bar chugging pitchers and dunking wings in a vat of ranch dressing.

Why? Why so many times was I ready enough to proclaim a change, but not willing to stick to it? Was it will power? Was it influences in my surroundings? The fault of Obama?

Tough to say. (Thanks Obama)

But the past 5 weeks have felt... different. Easier. More enjoyable. Today, while driving through the god forsaken flatlands of Oklahoma, I reflected quite a bit on why this could be. Figured I would share:


This time, I am holding myself more accountable. Previous lifestyle-changing attempts were sloppier than Hillary Clinton with an email server. (ba dum tssss). I would say I was going to do it, but when no one was looking I would revert back to my old ways. 

Thats the purpose of this blog, the @COADFatGuy Instagram/Twitter accounts, and my ongoing whining and complaining on my personal Facebook page (Sorry if we aren't friends, but you aren't missing much). 

If I forget to snap a picture to Instagram before I shove something in my mouth, I feel guilty. I own up to it. If I miss a trip to the gym in the morning, I go at night because my wife will be the first one to call me out if I am slacking. (which I greatly appreciate). 

Speaking of my wife.... 


Jess (my smoking hot, super-knocked-up wife), has been great. Want to know why? Because she loves me as a big fat hairy guy. Seriously. She is a gay man trapped in a very sexy woman's body. She is a bear-loving, chubby chasing, fur-grabbing wonder of a woman. When I told her I was ready to make a change, she was quick to remind me that she loves me just the way I am, but she would fully support my decision to be a healthier person. (And something about getting swoll like JJ Watt or The Rock...)

In attempts before, I didn't have support like I have gotten from my wife, friends, and co-workers. 

In a previous relationship, making this change was forced on me. I had to do it. There was no other option. If you have ever met me, you would know that didn't go over well. I didn't just resist; I marched in the complete opposite direction. Just to prove a point. (A dumb one, but point nonetheless) 

Previously friends would make the comment "Yeah, ok. Let me know how that goes next week". Thats a kick in the shorts. They weren't helping; but they were right. 

This time around, I have found some kick-ass co-workers and friends who were willing to share their own experiences and advice. They have even cheered me on from time to time when I am pissing and moaning on Facebook. 

And then, it couldn't be done without the support of viewers like you. Some of you have reached out to me on Twitter, some on Instagram, and your words of support are awesome. 


Listen, I am no Rockefeller. I am not lighting my cigars with $100 bills. But I have been fortunate with my line of work lately to have a bit of disposable income to invest into my health. 

Lets face it: Being healthy ain't cheap! Especially if you diving in head-first.
Gym Membership: $90/mo
Personal Trainer: $99/hr
Gym Clothes/Gym Bag/Training tools/Gym Shoes: $God help me, Amazon Prime later..... don't want to talk about it
Supplements: $~100/month (Protein, Glutamine, Supplement pills -all natural stuff-, Shakeology, etc)
Eating: Well... at least I am getting AmEx points

But, just like the time I bought stock in Enron (They are still around, right??), this is an investment. 

An investment in myself. And by investing such a large sum of income into myself, it creates another layer of accountability. I would/will feel like a real douche if I spent all this money for nothing. 

Must. Not. Be. A. Douche.


My wife is pregnant. Really pregnant. Its really happening. I am going to be a father. I have a growing love for someone I haven't even met yet, and want to make sure I am around as long as possible for this tiny human. I want to meet their tiny humans in 30 years. 

I have a taste for fashionable clothing. Not trying to brag, but I do a damn fine job dressing with style for being stuck in the Big and Tall section. (Or when I was a kid, the Sears "Husky" section...) But I want to be able to partake in real style. I want to be able to take that endorsement of free clothing from @TrunkClub (I know you are reading this Trunk Club. If you drop the ball, Express for Men is on deck to take all the glory...) Most of all. I am sick of paying a premium for clothing just because I am large (usually a 15% penalty for Big and Tall clothing).

I want to be active. Several of my friends are in softball leagues, dodgeball leagues, and flag football. I want to play too. Put me in coach. 

The list goes on and on. But its things like this that hold me accountable. When I am slacking at the gym and want to call it quits for the day, I start thinking about all of the reasons that brought me to the gym in the first place. (or I just look in the mirror. That usually helps.)

Most important: I want to change. 

Baby books on audio to push me past the 3 mile mark... and for having just rolled out of bed, that hair is ON POINT

At any rate. This time is better. This time it feels tangible. This time, I am going to do my damnedest to make it stick.

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